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My Birth Story: From Home Birth to C-Section.
My Birth Story: From Home Birth to C-Section. I’m currently pregnant with my third, and it’s got me thinking about my first pregnancy and...

Exercising in early pregnancy - what you need to know
At least once a week I get a message from someone saying: "I'm pregnant! How should I change my training programme" You don't need to...

How to eat chocolate and lose weight
There are a LOT of diets that insist that you have to cut out ALL sugar/processed foods/whatever in order to lose weight. They often work...

Mothering Without a Mother
It's been 12 years since my mum passed. Losing a parent at the age of 20 is devastating - it is at any age. Time, though, is a healer. As...

A letter to my mum
Dear Mum, Today's your birthday... AND Mother's Day... fancy that. I can't believe you did this too. That you once held me in your arms...

Don't fall victim to diet culture.But don't fall victim to ANTI-DIET CULTURE either.
Don't fall victim to diet culture. But don't fall victim to ANTI-DIET CULTURE either. Yeah we get it. There is a really icky kind of diet...

I've been thinking about this a lot... the body positivity message is that it's ok to be overweight, obese and even morbidly obese....
Judaism & Death
One of the things I love about Judaism is the way they handle death. Hear me out… When my mum died when I was 20, we were rushed out of...

I'm going to commit heresy right now by questioning feminism - but have you ever noticed that feminism never talks about motherhood? I...

Maiden. Mother. Matriarch. Birth and Death.
Whether or not it's popular or politically correct today to say, women have 3 major life phases that are distinguished by our...
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