Aesthetic Goals and Body Image: a Happy Middle GroundThis is the time of year when all the new years resolutions start coming out, and as a trainer I am required to say something inspiring...
Let Yourself be Postpartum"I'm practicing self love", "I am body positive", "love yourself no matter your size" "I'm trying to accept my body just as it is" "Fuck...
Starting to Show: Body Image in PregnancyImperceptible from the front, but getting hard to hide from the side. It's still at that awkward phase though where I just look like I'm...
What NOT to say to a Pregnant WomanThis one was a very cathartic one to write. Months of stupid, insensitive comments all pent up came flooding out as soon as I touched...
WEIGHT GAIN DURING PREGNANCYThis is a topic that’s been bugging me a lot lately. Like most women who are pregnant for the first time, I have been religiously...
Crazy Conversations // Pregnancy EditionOh god its started. I am officially in that stage of pregnancy that I've been warned about, where the idiocy of people's comments (that...
Don't Tell Your Daughter You're FatI found this piece really moving - it made me think about my relationship with my own mother, when I first realised that she was "fat"...