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Are Planks Safe During Pregnancy?
You've probably heard that they're "not safe". You've probably ALSO heard that they are perfectly safe. Welcome to the wonderful world of...

Are Planks Really a good "Core" Exercise?
(Because they seem like a really good shoulder exercise) Everyone is totally obsessed with planks, and some talk about it like it's the...

How do you heal diastasis recti?
In this blog post I’m going to go through all the things you need to do to address your DR. We are going to talk about exercises that...

There are NO exercises that will "shape" your core // Fitness Myths
Most of us have a pretty nice shape core... Under a little layer of fat. Most people think that by doing crunches, planks, side planks,...

Prenatal Fitness Series - #4
Prenatal fitness dos and don'ts series Pre- and Postnatal fitness is not usually as black and white as people make out. Most exercises...

Men, Diastasis Recti and Beer Bellies
I've been getting more questions lately about (and from) men with beer bellies who have noticed that when they do crunch-like exercises,...

Prenatal Fitness Series - # 1 The Plank
Should you be doing planks during pregnancy?
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